What are the dangers of premarital affairs?

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Soul ties.

Harm of mental bonds. Can premarital relationships harm your marriage? Absolutely yes, you may ask why? The answer is simple: it is written that two shall become one flesh. Two will become one. Where there is no room for a third, fourth, fifth, tenth. Imagine you are married and someone from your past keeps interfering in your relationship. Who did you have premarital relationships with? Soul attachments. He or she, someone from your past, continues to interfere in your relationship. You will say that this can’t be true. Unfortunately, it can be true, and it is true. It’s just that you haven’t noticed or paid attention to it. Or rather, the mind of delusion has not allowed you to see it.

premarital relations

Premarital relationships.

The thing is, if you date someone before marriage. Perhaps you haven’t even met them yet. They imagined this person as their future spouse. Obsessive ideas about living together arose. Sometimes you dreamed of starting a family and living happily ever after. That’s how you establish a soul connection. You may not fully understand or realize that you are connected. But there is a spiritual bond between you. Even if you have long forgotten this person and he has long passed away. Unfortunately, you are bound by your spiritual attachments. What if there are many such people? Then you will have big problems, like the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well.


Premarital relationships.

Soul connections. Soul ties.

Soul connections represent the world you have built on an emotional level. You have just experienced a powerful wave of emotions. For example, this morning someone stepped on your foot. This made you angry. Him too. After arguing a little we parted. But mentally you are still fighting with this person. Time passes, a week or a month. You remember the incident and argue with the person again. A storm of emotions rises inside you, accompanied by curses. So, you no longer quarrel with this person. Since he’s gone, you’re only dealing with demons. By establishing a soul connection, you have opened the door to unclean spirits. Now unclean spirits have access to influence you. It doesn’t matter whether the emotion was positive or negative.

Soul connections.

What’s the catch. Soul ties distort the truth.

A soul connection is a kind of obsession. Obsession with someone or something. When someone or something controls your soul. In such a situation, you cannot control your emotions. You are experiencing emotional turmoil because your soul connection is affected. A defensive reaction is triggered and you want to justify your emotional addictions. You think they bring you peace. But in fact it’s the other way around. A trap has been triggered; a soul connection has caught you in a trap, so you are in conflict with people.

What's the catch. Soul ties distort the truth.

Soul connections are a trap.

So soul attachment is a hook that the devil uses to manipulate you. You yourself have allowed him to do this by forming emotional attachments. It is written that God deals justly with the righteous, sincerely with the sincere, the merciful with the merciful, and the wicked according to their wickedness. There are two laws: the law of sin and death and the law of the Spirit of life. When you act wickedly, the law of sin and death gives the evil spirit of error permission to deceive you. That is why you are confused and in an illusory state. Because the evil one has deceived you. And you see everything in a wrong light. Everything is distorted.

Soul connections are a trap.

Closer to the point. Soul connections are trash.

Man is a spirit, he has a soul, and he lives in a body. So, the soul is a portal between the spiritual world and the material world. Spiritual attachments close the portal. You see everything through the prism of spiritual attachments. Distorted, not the way it should be. In short, spiritual attachments are the garbage you have filled your soul with. That’s why you attract all kinds of evil spirits, demons. Just like a trash can attracts all kinds of rats, flies and worms.

Closer to the point. Soul connections are trash.

Soul connections to mental disorders.

In time, they will begin to dominate you. You will simply fall into an emotionally depressed state. A kind of chemistry will take place in your body. The chemical reaction in your body will produce cortisol along with adrenaline, causing a disruption in the life cycle of the body. Because of this, your state will drop to very low frequencies. Low frequencies are the environment in which fallen spirits live, it is like a garbage dump for rats.

soul ties

Liberation from soul ties.

Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. To free yourself from mental slavery, you need to repent. Change your way of thinking. Look at everything through the lens of the truth of God’s Word. Realize that all these thoughts are keeping you trapped in the illusory world. Decide that you no longer want to live in an illusory world. Everything will be according to reality. Call on the Blood of Christ and cover your thoughts, emotions and mind with the Blood of Christ so that they are completely subject to the truth of the Word of God. If you have unclean thoughts, stop them immediately and ask God for forgiveness. Proclaim the Word of God that you are free and the truth has set you free and you will not think evil thoughts.



Everything is in your hands. Only you can decide under which law you will live. Will you live by the law of sin and death or by the law of the Spirit of life? If you act according to the law of the Spirit of Life, full restoration will come to you. Enlightenment will come and you will see everything with true eyes as it is. Relationships will be restored and love will reign where you have been in constant conflict. You will begin to take control of your life and stop making demands on anyone or anything. There will be a transformation of the soul into a responsible person and you will become a leader.

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