Relationships in the family.

Family relationships. Relationships in the family are the main component function on which the family is built and held. However, everything depends on what kind of communication you put into the family. Because relationships are different. Your mutual connection with your spouse determines the future fate of your family. What kind of relationship you build between you and your spouse determines in the future, what values ​​and traditions will be in your family. How you behave, how you talk, how you react to different situations and circumstances.

Of course, in every family there is a certain taboo: what you allow to do in the family and what you do not allow is the foundation of your family. And on the basis of your relationships and communication between you, you lay the foundation. And brick by brick you build a family that is subsequently passed on to your children. Because children will copy you. After all, you are an example for your children to follow.

Family relationships

Family relationships. Build personal relationships.

But nevertheless, your relationship between spouses is only yours, between you. Because each of you, the spouses, will have to build personal relationships with each child in your family. Everything depends on what kind of communication you build with your children from childhood. The same relationship will be reflected when they grow up. If you initially had close and trusting ties. Then they will be like that in the future. But do not think that having built a close relationship between you, that all this is enough. No, I assure and assure you that you need to constantly work on relationships. Otherwise, you will look like a dried-up tree. You will have the appearance of a family, but there will be no life in it. Just formally, you are a family. Without personal, close communication, you are just an acquaintance who does something somewhere.

Family relationships

Communication is the foundation of relationships.

Without communication, you are just an acquaintance who performs some function. You are just a lodger who settled in your house, apartment and cohabitates with other family members. Unfortunately, you are not a member of the family. To truly be a member of the family, you must participate, communicate in the family. And you need to constantly work on this and maintain communication in the family. There are certain problems in the family that need to be worked on. Otherwise, there will be a split in the family. For example, an addiction in one of the family members. It’s like a sore arm in your body and will affect your whole body. Or the Internet. I’m not saying that the Internet is bad. That’s not what it’s about. I just see that the Internet fills a large space of our time and there is not enough time for communication.

Family relationships

Constantly work on relationships.

Forgive me, but tell me please what kind of relationship can there be without communication. Purely formal, yes. But not close and trusting. Through close relationships, you begin to know a person and the degree of trust in this person grows. You cannot immediately trust your child with absolutely everything. Only as they grow older do you begin to trust your child with certain things. As your child grows older, you see what you can trust him with and what is still too early. The same is true between spouses. After going through various problems, spouses’ trust in each other increases. It is written: Gen 4:1 Adam knew Eve his wife. When did he know his wife in the Garden of Eden? No. Only when they had to go through some difficulties and problems together.

Family relationships

Family relationships. Trust grows through relationships.

He saw in her that potential that was laid down by God. And he could trust her for real, just as she could trust him through a close intimate relationship. Believe me. that my wife is the only person I can truly trust. And every year this trust grows and strengthens. No, I am not saying that my wife is perfect or that I am so perfect. We both make mistakes. But despite the mistakes, we trust each other and understand that this is the only person who will stay with me forever. Because the children will grow up and they will have their own family. Therefore, the basis of the family is your mutual understanding between the spouses.

Family relationships

It is necessary to build a relationship with God.

Just as you build a relationship with your spouse, you can build a relationship with God. But in order to build a relationship with God. You must have a very close and deep relationship with Him. You must learn to trust Him. And in order to learn to trust Him, you need to strive to know Him. To know Him: Who He is, what pleases Him. And what He wants from you, as well as what you want from Him. What is His will for you. And as far as I know, God has one will for us, and that is love. God wants to love and pour out His love on us. It is written: 1 John 4:8 God is love.

Family relationships

Postscript: Here are some scriptures that will help in knowing God. To learn to trust Him and have a close and deep relationship with Him. John 14:6. John 8:32.

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