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Your marriage depends on the foundation you lay in it. The purpose of marriage is to complement each other.
Your marriage depends on the foundation you lay in it.
The purpose of marriage is to complement each other.
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Noracora WW

Foundation of marriage.

Your marriage depends on what foundation you lay in it. I’d like to break down marriage on the basis of God’s Word Genesis 2:18-25. It is not good for a person to be alone. Loneliness is a spiritual and mental state of a person that leads to the degradation of a person as a person. A person can be in society and live in a family, but at the same time remain lonely.

Geekbuying WW

The goal is to complement each other.

In love, all ages are submissive. Your marriage depends on the foundation you lay in it. The purpose of marriage is to complement each other.

Loneliness comes from a lack of self-expression. When a person cannot express himself as a person. A person loses self-esteem, the consequence of which is an inferiority complex. For the development of a person as a person, communication is required in building relationships. Where could he express himself, express himself. Unleash its potential. Seeing this need in Adam, the Lord God noticed that: it is not good for a person to be alone. And I decided to create a partner for a person according to him. Notice the Lord created society according to him. Where he and she will be appreciated. Where they are equivalent and equivalent. And at the same time they complement each other.

AliExpress WW

In marriage.

Love never ceases

If you are alone and feel empty, the feeling of alienation is swallowed up by depression. You have a lack of freedom and you are looking for a soul mate to speak out. You are married or married with wonderful children. It would seem that everything is there. But nevertheless you are alone and you want to forget yourself. And to forget you drink alcohol, someone plays and hangs on the computer, and someone works and turns into an avid workaholic. But no matter how much you drink or play virtual games or work, it will not give you complete freedom.

ChicMe WW

Freedom to show love.

complement each other at the same time. Your marriage depends on the foundation you lay in it.

You can find complete freedom only in God. Because only in Him is the source of life. You may have noticed that animals and fish return to the place where they were born. At the call of their hearts, they return to their homeland through hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Also, adults, at the call of their hearts, return to the place where they spent their childhood. But in fact, at the call of the heart, the voice of the heart, he calls you quite deeply, to where life itself comes from and is born, namely, to the Lord God. It is in God that you can find freedom and be healed from spiritual wounds. In God, you can let go of what is bothering you. Forgive and receive forgiveness.

Gshopper Many GEOs

Peace in marriage.

Love knows no boundaries. The purpose of marriage is to complement each other.

In God, you can get answers to two main aspects. It is internal and external. And learn how to properly influence these two factors. And most importantly, be self-sufficient and not dependent on the opinions of other people and not seek approval. And also not to demand or expect from other people. And accept them for who they really are. In marriage, balance is key. Don’t be demanding and don’t expect, don’t have expectations from your partner. And try to accept it the way it is. And then you will be truly free. And you will find a real happy family life.

Cotosen WW

In marriage, balance is key. Don't be demanding or have expectations from your partner.


Know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32.

Ever Pretty Many GEOs


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