Communication with God is necessary for building a personal relationship with Him. How does a person usually communicate with God. Or rather, a person thinks that he communicates with God. Because a person prays to God, he prays to God for a long time, even prays to God beautifully. He persistently prays to God, keeps a fast so that God will hear his prayer. But God does not hear a person, does not accept his prayer. It is written: and when ye spread forth your hands, I hide mine eyes from you, and when ye multiply your supplications, I do not hear. This means that God specifically does not hear and does not accept the requests and prayers of people. On the other hand, He does this because a person does not listen to God. It is written: Thus saith the Lord: I spake unto you early, but ye heard not: and I called you, but ye answered not. I sent unto you all my servants the prophets. Every day I sent early, but they hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear.
- 1 Real communication with God.
- 2 They have not been taught to communicate with God.
- 3 Obstacles to communication with God. Cruelty.
- 4 Cruelty. It interferes with communication with God.
- 5 Vanity of mind.
- 6 Friendship with the world.
- 7 A real-life example.
- 8 God wants to build communication.
- 9 Conditions.
- 10 Dedication. To build communication with God.
- 11 A blessing. To have communion with God.
Real communication with God.
Unfortunately, this is what happens in reality: God speaks to man, but man does not listen to God. Man asks God, but God does not answer him. There is simply a monologue, a one-sided appeal, but there is no dialogue as such. Because there is no relationship between man and God, no communication. There is none and cannot be because of sin. Sin prevents man from communicating with God. In order to have communication, this obstacle must be destroyed. It is necessary to repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. To have communication with God, you must be born again. It is written: But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name. Which not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but born of God. In short, you must become a child of God, and God must become your Father. In general, you must take place in the family of God. I hope this is all clear and let’s move on.
They have not been taught to communicate with God.
There is such a problem: that even as a child of God, children do not have communion with God. Although children have all the rights and grounds to listen and talk to God. But they cannot and do not know how to do this. Because there are no problems on the part of God. On the contrary, God wants to bless His children. It is written: for the eyes of the Lord survey the whole earth to support those whose hearts are completely devoted to Him. It is also written: Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in to him, and I will sup with him, and he with me. It is written here about deep and close, trusting relationships. And to build a relationship, you need to have communication with God. In order to communicate with God and you had a dialogue with God. You have to do some things. First, destroy four enemies. The first enemy: cruelty. The second is cruelty or stubbornness. Third: vanity of mind. Fourth: friendship with the world.
Obstacles to communication with God. Cruelty.
Let’s start with cruelty. Because of cruelty, a person does not hear God. You have probably seen this picture more than once: when people quarrel, they start shouting and screaming at each other. Although they are standing next to each other, very close. Why do they shout at each other and do not hear each other? Because their hearts are closed from cruelty. Everything begins with resentment. Resentment is an image that the enemy wants to impose. It reminds you of some situation that brings disappointment. Basically, people build relationships on mutually beneficial terms. Each person when he shows concern for another person expects reciprocity. If this does not happen, he is disappointed. You can let the resentment in or drive it away. God said that sin lies at the threshold, but you rule over it. This means that resentment does not affect you at all if you do not react to the resentment. Therefore, a person needs to enter into cooperation with God and be open in soul to God. Get rid of cruelty. Otherwise, you will not hear the voice of God.
Cruelty. It interferes with communication with God.
The next enemy is cruelty.Everyone has their own experience, their own opinion. It’s good when a person can share their opinion. The problem is when a person puts his opinion above the word of God. When he gets arrogant, he thinks he knows better than others. It is written:but if there is bitter envy and thirst for quarrels in your heart, then do not boast and do not lie to the truth. This is not wisdom descending from above, but earthly wisdom. spiritual demonic. It’s not about whether you’re right or wrong, it’s about how you act.What is the ultimate goal? Perhaps you are right about all human factors. But humanly, not in God’s way. Written:Solid food is characteristic of the perfect. those whose senses are trained by skill to distinguish between good and evil. There are two kinds of wisdom: human wisdom and God’s wisdom. Who is pure, then peaceful, humble, obedient. Full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and not hypocritical. It means making decisions based on God’s wisdom.
Vanity of mind.
The third enemy: vanity of the mind. In fact, the devil absolutely does not care what you do. Whether you work or not. Whether you are sick or healthy. Relaxing walking in the park, or sunbathing on the beach, he does not care at all. I will tell you more. That the devil is even interested in all this. So that you work, relax, get sick, have parties, play. Well, in general, were constantly busy with something. It does not matter what, the main thing is that you are busy, even if idle, but busy. The main goal that the devil pursues is for you to become vanity, and not pay attention to God. So that you do not hear and do not communicate with God. After all, the devil came in order to steal, kill, and destroy. Everything is quite simple, as much as we get closer to God, so much we will reflect God’s character in ourselves. All that is required of us is to seek communication with God, and abide in the truth.
Friendship with the world.
The next enemy: friendship with the world. It is written: Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? So, whoever wants to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. God is not against us being successful people, He is against us being dependent on someone or something. Basically, people build their relationships on mutually beneficial terms. This is when you to me, I to you. For example: I was riding public transport. One woman passed the stop and began to argue with the driver. I wanted to help the woman and told her where it was better to get off. So she pounced on me and began to reproach me for meddling in other people’s business. This angered me and I wanted to calm this woman down. Then she threatened her husband. I answered her that this was not enough, let her call her uncle and aunt, as well as grandpa and grandma.
A real-life example.
I don’t know how it would have ended if I hadn’t heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. He told me: don’t do this. Then I began to justify myself to God. Like she started it first, I just wanted to help her. The Holy Spirit said that I was wrong because when a dog barks at me, I don’t bark with this dog, but just walk by without reacting to this dog. Then God said that she wasn’t the problem. And in me, he reminded me of the Bible verses Deuteronomy 8:2-5 Proverbs 17:3 Zechariah 13:9 what does this situation mean in order to identify those wrong things in me that I need to get rid of. I needed to get rid of human opinion. It doesn’t matter how people talk or speak about me. I should not worry or worry about their opinion. I must be free from human opinion and not seek approval from people.
God wants to build communication.
In our hearts there should be only one desire to know the will of God and to please only Him. Constantly have communication with God. God always turns to man to bless man, to help man as a Loving Father. He always wants the best for man. And God speaks to every man, Heb 1:1 through situations, circumstances, through nature. In many ways, through dreams and visions. Speaking through people and animals. Through His Word of God, God wants to build communication. But why does man not hear and understand God? After all, God speaks to man always, at all times. So why does man not listen and understand God? The answer is simple because man has not learned to listen to God. Mark 4:23-25. There are certain conditions for listening to God.
First: desire to hear Him. Why would God speak if we are not going to hear Him. And it is even good that God does not answer us. Because if we heard God, we would not do as God said. That would be the sin of disobedience. 1 Samuel: 15:23 because of this God rejected Saul. Second: have a desire to know God’s desire. Surely, when you want to please someone, you find out what pleases him. To please your wife, you give compliments, give gifts to your children. To please your friends, you have common interests. Psalm 37:4 when your desire touches the desire of God, it is fulfilled. Phil 2:15 according to His good pleasure.
Dedication. To build communication with God.
Third: dedication, involvement. It is written: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service of worship. We submit ourselves to God, promising to be His, and He can do with us as He wills. We can make a decision to submit to God once and for all. But it must be supported by daily actions that confirm our submission to the Lord. That is, every day we must submit our body and our life to God. Waking up every morning, accustom ourselves to begin a new day with a prayer of dedication, in which we present ourselves to Him. Do not think that if we did it once, then today there is no need for it. What we did yesterday is in the past. Our dedication to God will help us to draw closer to God, and to have a very close and intimate fellowship with God.
A blessing. To have communion with God.
When we draw near to God, He gives us everything generously, abundantly, magnanimously. So, when we fulfill God’s condition — we draw near to Him — He generously answers all our questions and gives generously. God is ready to answer any question we have. But first, He wants us to draw near to Him, then He can communicate with us, show us His love, and we can feel His love. When we get close, side by side with God, we will understand where we need to change. Here’s what’s good: when we come into His presence, He will not only help us realize where we need to change, but He will also give us the strength and ability to change. We must learn to communicate with God constantly, to be in God’s presence longer, to stay in His presence more, so that His wisdom will permeate our spirit and soul. God wants to meet our needs and bless us in every area of our life.