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What can’t a family be without? So this is without dating! Be sure to get acquainted before getting married or getting married. No other way. Even if you are already married, you must understand that you, too, once went through this process. What is an acquaintance. This is your meeting with your prospective life partner. Why supposed? Because acquaintance does not oblige you to anything, but acquaintance can be the starting point for an amazingly exciting happy family life. What are the dating: I have identified three main types of dating. I think that you will agree with me: Planned. By interest. Random (but with a caveat.)

Acquaintance planned.

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Planned: in my opinion, this is when your parents already betrothed you when you were children. without your consent. And you just agree with the choice of parents. Some fatal acquaintance. This familiarity has deep roots in Christianity. The Bible describes such an event in detail: where the prophet Abraham sent his manager to bring a bride from his relatives.

Positive aspects of a planned acquaintance

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Positive aspects of a planned acquaintance. Acquaintance

This kind of acquaintance has its own justification. Parents, being driven by political or economic prerequisites, woo their children. But there are also disadvantages: perhaps the children have already built their plans for the future by the time they come of age. And young people have their own choice with whom they would determine their future married life. In this case, a planned acquaintance would be appropriate as recommended in terms of choice but not imposed on children in any way. Even if you have a deep experience in married life. Because this is your experience in your married life. But it is by no means your child’s experience. Because he only has to take the first steps in this direction.

Negative aspects of planned acquaintance


Negative aspects of planned acquaintance. Acquaintance

Parents be in solidarity in the choice of your child. (A child because no matter how old he or she was, they will still be your little children.) History shows that planned marriages between kings, kings and many others had both positive and negative and very deplorable consequences. For example, Romeo and Juliet. In my opinion, everyone should make their own informed choice in terms of married life. He must be aware of the fact that the responsibility for creating a happy family life lies with him. And he himself must achieve this goal.

Acquaintance by interests.

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This type of dating is the most common. When people meet on common interests. When their interests coincide in some areas of their lives. People get acquainted in some circles, in clubs, perhaps in sports sections. at work, at church. In this case, common interests only bring people together. On this basis, they agree to build a joint married life. There is also a moment when they went to kindergarten together from childhood. Then to school. Then to the university, and with age, common interests only increased.

Acquaintance based on interests does not guarantee

Acquaintance based on interests does not guarantee. Acquaintance

I want to note that common interests can unite a marriage. But they will not give a guarantee that you will have a happy family life in the common interests. Because the family is not only common interests. Family is when all areas of your life are docked with all areas of your partner’s life. And if there is no matching. Mergers in some area of your life, then sooner or later your marriage will crack in this place. Because the family is a matter of choice and mutual consent. Where you will have to choose and agree together how to build a life together. Only by joint work and efforts can you build a happy family and enjoy it.

Random acquaintance.

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Accidental acquaintance has a place to be. If only because such acquaintance occurs everywhere and everywhere all the time. In the subway, at the bus stop or on the bus, in the port or on the ship, at the station or on the train. Even on the Internet. Yes, wherever and whenever.

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Why casual Acquaintance with a reservation?

Why random? Because we remove all of the above types of dating. You did not plan to meet and you did not have any common interests, but now you met. And you kind of lit a spark. And this spark starts to flare up more and more. Turning into a huge flame of desire, to be together once and for all. I called the chance meeting with a caveat. Because, nothing can be accidental in our life. After all, everything is natural in our life. And I am a supporter of the fact that all happy marriages are combined in heaven.

Marriages are made in heaven.

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It depends on us only to agree and accept our marriage as a gift from Heaven. I was moved to give credit to this kind of dating movie; Changing reality. Even though this film is fantastic, it is full of the realities of our life. And it moves us to the understanding that we ourselves are the builders of our happy family life. And the main argument. Аnd the most important connecting component of a happy family life is Love.


a happy family. Acquaintance is not accidental.

Love is long — suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, does not pride itself, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything, Love never


Only for adults over 18+

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